I’ll Scratch Your Back, You Stab Mine

Okay, okay, maybe the title of this blog goes a little too far. What I wanted to blog about today is the common courtesy that should exist in a business like stand up comedy. As any stand up already knows, stage time is king, and if you have trouble getting the stage time you’d like,Continue reading “I’ll Scratch Your Back, You Stab Mine”

Top 10 Reasons Why I Hate Doing Stand Up Comedy

HERE WE GO: 10. Inviting friends and family to my shows knowing full well they’ve heard my jokes over 100 times. 9. I look fat on stage. 8. I hate making eye contact with the only person in the audience that is NOT laughing. 7. The comics going on after me will be 10 timesContinue reading “Top 10 Reasons Why I Hate Doing Stand Up Comedy”

Headlining At The Comedy Spot In Scottsdale, Arizona

My Feature performer, Iggy Samaniego, from El Paso, Texas, destroyed the room before I took the stage. All I had to do was RIDE THE WAVE!

Things That Make You Go, “Ugh!”

I will never claim to be funnier than any other stand up comedian. I truly believe that comedy is subjective. That is to say that what makes me laugh will not necessarily make you laugh. Having said that, there are some things that make me shudder when I watch relatively new comics take to theContinue reading “Things That Make You Go, “Ugh!””

Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There!

If you have been going to stand up comedy shows or performed on them often enough, eventually, you will see and hear things that make your butt cheeks tighten up and make you wanna say, “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there!” Well, allow me to share a few of the moments I haveContinue reading “Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There!”

The Evolution of the Stand Up Comedian

I’ve noticed an evolution of sorts, in the way stand-up comedy is honed. I suppose that you can say the same thing about most any occupation? If we all have to “Start somewhere”, then it stands to reason that, with the passing of time, you are never the same as when you started. For thoseContinue reading “The Evolution of the Stand Up Comedian”

Love and Betrayal

My cat, Lois Lane, is an inside cat. Recently, she found her way outside. She was gone for 3 days and refused to return. She started hanging out with 2 other neighborhood cats. One of them is a cat I’ve never liked. He looks like thug! The cat has stripes and one of those stripesContinue reading “Love and Betrayal”

You Will Never Be An Overnight Success

Not getting the recognition, as a stand up comedian, that you think you deserve? Are you only hosting shows but think you should have a shot of featuring or even headlining? Or maybe, you’ve only had an opportunity to perform at open mic’s but think you should be given an opportunity at hosting a professionalContinue reading “You Will Never Be An Overnight Success”

Humility With a Name Like “Iggy”

I don’t consider myself a professional stand up comic yet. I’ve been in the business for 7 years now, and in that time have earned well over…six hundred bucks. I know a little more than the comic who has done it for a less amount of time but I have a TON more to learn.Continue reading “Humility With a Name Like “Iggy””

How Many People Do You Need to Have a Good Stand Up Comedy Show?

The answer to the title of this blog is, six. Yup, that’s all you need. At least, that’s all I needed.  Last night was my Headlining debut at a local El Paso, Texas bar called Coconuts. The promoter has run that show for over 3 years now, every week on Tuesdays. For the most part,Continue reading “How Many People Do You Need to Have a Good Stand Up Comedy Show?”